Free Lazy Cat Cursors at

January 9, 2018


hi ya'll i know most of you died since i haven't posted any relevant content since 5th grade;; but!! just putting it out there i made some adjustments/revisions to the blog resulting in it's appearance being more similar to how it was back in elementary school. i also modified or simply removed some posts that i felt were not a contribution to the "blobbie" atmosphere the blog was meant to present.
-ps. big thanks to danielle for bringing this subject to my attention;

February 4, 2015

So. Idc if I drew this 3 weeks ago and forgot to post. And Sunny's chirping and running around right now. Probs cuz I just showed you all a picture of me holding Sunny, out of the cage. And dat derp face doe. I covered up half of myself with random troll faces because *coughcoughPERSONALINFOcoughcough*  I don't have licorice-black hair. Camera issues. Saturation. Just showed that in the cam. I couldn't cover up the entire picture without demolishing little Sunny. I actually have hair the color of dark chocolate...and if you REALLY want my personal info and want to find me-have it. Idc. I'll tell you where I live just now. I live on Blobbieworld, and go to Neptune for vacations. I do spend lots of time on Neptune, but sometimes I go to Earth to help Noks (Amy) start World War III. And Einstein said that World War III would be fought with guns and nuclear powered weapons. WELL, PROVES YOU WRONG EINSTEIN. WORLD WAR III IS FOUGHT WITH THE POWER OF THE MAJESTIC SOUP. Blobbieworld is too far away to rocket away to, so if you want to contact me, go to Neptune. Good luck with that, my dear stalkers.
I drew this. All you haters who think I didn't, screw your grapes BECAUSE I DID. There's one that looks a lot like this, but it has chocolate-brown hair and a black dress. I kinda got dat inspiration from that art. There's shades and folds everywhere. The jacket's folds, wrinkles and shadings of light transitioning are kind of unnoticeable. Maybe the saturating was too light. Anyway, this is Kimo. *coughs* Yeah. I should do some more art on Arch and Lunar...dey feel left out. For the questions. I use Sketchbook Pro (costs 5.99 [GET IT FOR YOUR EGGDAY] but works really well.) for pix, and for video-editing, I use Power Director 12. (Get it for Christmas. Costs only like $89 on Black Friday tho.)
This is my new (Kimo's) profile pic. ^^ It be so fluffy and cute...I feed Sunny too many the point where she's just a fluffy, cuddly little ball of feathers with 2 tiny beady eyes and a cute little beak. Ish so fluffy. And Happy New Year children! Wait-did I say that last post? Well, I don't give an amelia. Oh. Look behind you by the way. I'm really not sorry that you all died too early to see the wonderful grapefruit that I posted below. :)~Kimo

January 10, 2015

  Hey all! Before I start the post...
2014 has been a wonderful year! Though this took me forever to draw on the computer. Believe it or not, I drew/edited this. But I got the border from a cool software o3o. The balloons doe. 2014 has been wonderful. New friends, new life, new death (jk) and stuffz like that. Also new unit in math -.- (if that actually counts) Unfortunately, I have a 89.3% in my Lang Arts grade. I cri ;-; Whyyyyy.  
This picture pretty much sums up the post. First off Pinachi :D a cute little nice bird that's tamable (Because right now I'm trying to teach Sunny how to get out of the cage and skateboard. CX It's a bundle of feathers and bright, buttery yellow and a thin shade of purple :3 Also, I'm on vacation unfortunately, to a place called Earth. It's really strange there. There are creatures called "humans" who think they're good enough to stand with my species. Tfft. Foolish humans. Those young, absurd mortal children. Earth=reality. Reality=everything I hate. :I A friend of mine told me to draw blue locks on me if I'm depressed. Draw red locks, if you enjoy self harm. Draw purple locks, if you hate your life and want to kill others. I would, but unfortunately, since I'm on reality (Earth) I cannot draw those locks. Reality sucks sometimes. You may ask, Trinity! Then where do you live? Where I live? Where I usually am? I'm usually in my own little world, imagining legends and stuffz like that. I have 3 forms. Kimo, Lunar and Arch. Where do they live? Kimo lives in a snug, cozy cottage, surrounded by loved ones in the forest. There's lush trees and dew-wet bushes, full of sweet luscious fruits. There are sparkling, gliding waterfalls, and a transparent, clear pond where animals swim in. Including Pinachi's and ducks and hippos. (Wait hippos?) Yeah, hippos. Hippos are pink and fluffy. Well, Lunar lives in nowhere, spends her time doing nothing, unless you count mourning over the one wish she wants and will never receive (Don't get me started. VERY VERY VERY long story. Seriously, that took me like 2 months to write and a month to think about). Arch lives in the deepest pit of hell, spends her time spilling the blood of the innocent, and watching them beg, beg for death and enjoys hearing their cries of suffering and misery. Enough. I'm trying to keep this PG. Try not to picture what I just wrote. Anyway, hippos are pink and fluffy! Oh, noticed the #LH? If you play minecraft, go on and play VZ. Best game there. I kinda fail at the game but whatevs. (A fail=anyone who has less than 1,000 wins) Welp, less than 11 people have more than 1,000 wins but OH WELL. LH=The Elite team of VZ players in one. It's a guild. A club basically. It stands for Log Horizon. Only people that are elite and like, beast at VZ can join, I heard from the officers of the guild. What's weird, is, I have less than 1,000 wins. I'm close to 1,000 wins but I don't have it yet, but I'm in. Try playing's probs harder than you think. Oh, and #LH

December 24, 2014

Hey, all Blobbers and Jammers and Crafters whatnot :P I know, I know, I'm sorry, I haven't been posting recently. Probably because I've been busy torturing/killing people C: (Ikr I'm so nice) Naw, it's actually because the big, fat, ugly, homework e.e Anyway, these are my own little sketches of Blobbies combined with sushi :3 Home-sketched Blobbie sushi :D That varies. I have 3 sides. Light, Dark, and Void-Of-Feelings side. I live in Star-Blobbieworld (Heaven), Hell, and in the midst of nowhere. Okay, anyway, back on topic. I WISH YOU ALL A VERY VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS (SNOWYDAY)! Happy New Year too! 2014 has been a wonderful year! I've gotten some of the best presents this year...first off, I got 10 colored pens! That might sound dumb, but I really love doodling and drawing, so pens mean a lot to me :) 

We've all dealt with pets, eh? When you first get a pet, when you try to pet it, it bites, squeaks, and runs away. Ah, it was annoying. Finally, later on, it gets used to you, and begins to love you. This is Sunshine, or Sunny for short-my new pet parakeet! There were many cloudy blue and bright orange ones at the store. You may ask me why I chose this plain one? Sunny is very friendly. I dipped my finger in a little food and water-all the other parakeets ran away, but Sunny chose to stay, and nibbled all of the food off my fingertip :D. Sunny is less shy than most pets-he sometimes takes a ride on my finger-but he's still shy. If you try to grab him or pet him (especially on the tail) he'll fly away. Overall, I love Sunshine still.
Finally! You've all realized...Christmas! That means presents, and lights, and holiday cheer! I agree, but I'm Christian, so I believe that it's meant to mean the birth of Jesus. Well, anyway, my family and I visited Poway-Candy-Cane-Lane! They have some of the most beautiful decorations <3 You can visit on a cold, chilly night, and find yourself staring at houses, filled and decorated with Christmas lights and objects, with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows, and a cookie or two. Tons of people there give out free hot chocolate and cookies! Poway Candy Cane Lane is a place where Christmas dreams come true. Love the holiday spirit!